Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Perfect Days Pic

Ain't this a cool pic? It was either at final dress or one of the tech rehearsals, cause Chris Bloch (the catcher) is down on the deck rather than up above, where he ended up. - - I'm back in Chicago and chilling with the family. (My daughter is a PIECE OF WORK!!) Missing all my Doe-Nuts. I'll be back soon, y'all!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

We're open!

The relieved writers.

A break from schmoozing

Eric Schaeffer, Eleasha Gamble, Alejo Viletti, Heidi Blickenstaff and James Moye at the opening night party at Old Ebbett's Grill.

The after-party

Okay, it was just in a different part of the same restaurant, but it >felt< special.
(Joel Blum, Guy Paul, me, Patrick Ryan Sullivan)


It's been a while since my last post (happy April!), but it's been a much-needed break from the intensity of the past 6 weeks. I looked in on the show last night for the first time in about a week, and it's in great shape! Performances have really crystallized, some actors are making some great new choices and continuing to explore their characters and keeping the material fresh. And audiences continue to respond enthusiastically, which is what I love. (Although I overheard an older gentleman last night saying that he "was NOT having a good time"; turns out, he wanted to be back in his hotel room watching Final Four action. Guess he's not a baseball fan.)

The icing on the cake for us has been some very nice reviews in local papers and online. Check them out here: Washington Post, Baltimore Sun, Theatremania, DCist, and PotomacStages.com.

We may keep checking back for more comments, but if not, thanks for coming with us on our journey, and if you see the show, tell us what you think!