Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Perfect Days Pic

Ain't this a cool pic? It was either at final dress or one of the tech rehearsals, cause Chris Bloch (the catcher) is down on the deck rather than up above, where he ended up. - - I'm back in Chicago and chilling with the family. (My daughter is a PIECE OF WORK!!) Missing all my Doe-Nuts. I'll be back soon, y'all!!!


sophomorecritic said...

Hi, I'm a writer for the D.C. Scene and I just turned in my article in reviewing your play. I was trying to contact you two for an interview, but was unsuccessful and I unfortunately just stumbled upon this blog just now. I guess Unfortunately, I'll have to turn in the article now before the weekend, so my editor can publish it and I can get more viewers to your play before the weekend passes.

We might be able to make changes, however.

I'm a Frank Capra fan so I was excited to see your play and I liked it.

Articles I read concerning your play, though, made it unclear if you were making your professional debut or not. The focus on the first WP article I read, it seemed, was about you guys doing your first play.

I also wasn't sure if your run was ending April 29th or if it ran past that because the Ford's Theater website says differently.

Lastly, if I was gonna ask you any question that hadn't been asked before, why did you chose Meet John Doe. Doesn't Mr Smith Goes to Washington have everything Meet John Doe had? It has media manipulation and a much more impassioned monologue at the end. It's also more famous, so more people might have wanted to see it because they recognized the movie title?

you can leave a note on my blog or email me at mrpelican56@yahoo.com

Twins-Plus-1 said...

Eddie, I tried to email you using the address from the SL website but it is not a valid address. I was just thinking about madrigal days and wanted to say hi and say congrats on your success. Keep in touch.

Andrea (Klinger)